Workshop Meeting Dates
1st Tuesday of each month
Meetings are held in the Elementary School Cafeteria
Board Meeting Dates
2nd Tuesday of each month
Meetings are held in the Elementary School Cafeteria and start at 6:30 PM
Reorganization Meeting starts at 6:00 PM with the Regular Meeting to follow.
The Public is Always Welcome!
RASD welcomes public attendance and participation at all school board meetings. The Ridgway Area School District Board of Directors hold work session meetings on the 1st Tuesday of the month and regular board meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of the month (with the exception of December), in the Elementary Cafeteria, at 62 School Drive, Ridgway, PA. Attendance and occupancy shall be in compliance with the PA Department of Health and Department of Education guidelines. Agenda items include information for the board from the faculty and staff; buildings, grounds and finance; policy and personnel; and extra-curricular activities. For additional information you can visit our website at and click on the link on the left side of the page “Community” then choose Board Meeting Notices, then BoardDocs.
The Board’s secretary, Jennifer Spong will post meeting agendas on BoardDocs and on the front doors of FSG Elementary School at least 24 hours prior to the meetings.
Board Governance
The Ridgway Area School District’s Board of Directors consists of nine elected or appointed community members who work together to provide for RASD’s governance that ensures the growth and achievement of students and staff. The RASD Board provides the decision making foundation for both short term and long term impacts. Through collective governance, the Board advocates earnestly, leads responsibly, governors effectively, plans thoughtfully, evaluates continuously, communicates clearly, and acts ethically. For more information about school board governance please visit
District Vision “Engaging Learners for Life”
District Mission “Where students will discover their purpose for today & their passion for tomorrow.”
Board Goals (Dec 2023-Dec 2027 )
*RASD will provide learning opportunities to meet the needs of a diverse population and dynamic workforce.
*RASD will continue to build transparent and trusted relationships with all stakeholders.
*RASD will continue to build a culture of safety & support for all students, staff, families and the community.
RASD Core Values 2021-2024
RASD’s core values are the foundation for how we engage with people and the practice of teaching and learning in the Ridgway Area School District. Our values are constant and independent from the ever changing societal and political influences. Our values inform our strategies for fulfilling our vision and mission – every day and in every way. RASD’s core values include Leadership, Communication, Integrity and Honesty, Accountability, and Perseverance. At
Elkers will LEAD. Leadership at RASD is the responsibility of all individuals. Through leadership, Elkers will seek to understand and make decisions based on that understanding. When possible, decisions will be made collaboratively. The purpose of decision making will be to help others grow and achieve their goals, to the best of their ability.
Elkers will COMMUNICATE. Communication at RASD is the responsibility of all individuals. Communication will be relevant, clear, transparent, and respectful. Communication will occur through the practices of active listening, reading, writing, and speaking. A variety of tools will be used to communicate (phone calls, email, social media platforms, face to face meetings, parent letters, newsletters, etc.). The purpose of communication is to inform, engage, and respond.
Elkers will engage with INTEGRITY AND HONESTY. Integrity and honesty at RASD is the responsibility of all individuals. Through integrity and honesty, Elkers will adhere to the highest moral and ethical principals in personal and professional endeavors. Elkers will use facts, rules, policies, codes and procedures as the basis for building understanding, making decisions, and taking action. The purpose of engaging with integrity and honesty is to maintain the best interest of the collective whole, while supporting each individual.
Elkers will be ACCOUNTABLE. At RASD accountability is the responsibility of all. Through accountability, Elkers develop an understanding of how their individual actions affect the whole and take personal responsibility for those actions and the results. When being accountable, Elkers seek help when needed, accept constructive feedback, use the feedback to grow as an individual and as a District. The purpose of accountability is to maintain the best interest of the collective whole, while owning our individual words, actions and results.
Elkers will PERSEVERE. Perseverance at RASD is the responsibility of all. When persevering, Elkers will face challenges, seek help, adapt to a changing society, and be flexible with strategies for problem solving. Elkers believe that together we are better and no Elker will be left behind. The purpose of perseverance is to grow individually and collectively.
We’ve gone paperless! Find all meeting information, district policies, and more at BoardDocs.
Board Members
Ms. Heather McMahon-Vargas
Donna Sidelinger
Board Secretary:
Jennifer Spong