Technology is a vital part of learning today. Its use offers a powerful learning tool that students can carry with them in all aspects of life. We are proud to provide the latest technology in all our classrooms, which we introduce at age-appropriate intervals. Each teacher receives training specific to the resources we provide so they can maximize the use of devices in their classrooms. 

In addition to a computer lab and computers in each classroom, we provide:

  • Interactive Whiteboards
  • Interactive ActivPanels
  • Tablets
  • 1:1 Device Assignments
  • Computer Labs

Technology Staff

Kimberly Morgan
Assistant Technology Director

Jane Skraba
Technology Specialist

Internet Use

We believe the Internet can provide teachers and students with a wealth of educational resources. Along with this great privilege, we feel a tremendous responsibility to teach our young people to be responsible as they use it. We expect all to be familiar with and accept our district’s policy for acceptable use of this technology.