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- Letter From the Superintendent
A Message From Our Superintendent

RASD Superintendent Update
Dear RASD Students and Families,
We hope everyone is having a great summer! And we wish you a Happy 4th of July! The summer seems to be flying by. The 1st day of school for RASD students is August 22, 2024. The 2024-2025 Board approved calendar is available by clicking here.
The administrative team is busy this summer preparing for the new school year. The District’s summer office hours can be found here in case you have questions for your child’s principals. You can anticipate a Welcome Back Letter from me by July 29 and you will be receiving your child’s building specific information the week of August 2. This will include important dates, principal’s welcome back letters, bell schedules, links to student handbooks, a hard copy of the school calendar, new school year forms, and transportation information.
Have a great summer!
Heather McMahon-Vargas, Superintendent