We hear you.

And we’re here for you.

We know it’s been challenging recently. As the pandemic continues to evolve, we’re doing everything we can to keep our students, staff, teachers, and administrators safe and healthy while providing the same delicious foods your child/children love.

Committed to the Health of Our Students

We recognize that nutrition impacts classroom performance, so we have designed our menus and food preparation to provide excellent nutrition and teach health wellness. We prepare our lunch menus to provide both appeal and proper nutrition to our students. The variety of our menus ensure that our students get all of the necessary nutrients and other substances associated with good health, clear thinking, and a balanced diet. We teach the importance of nutritious meals while encouraging good eating habits. We also encourage parents to help their children to eat healthy, nutritious foods both at school and at home.

Cafeteria Accounts

Please take a moment to read important information regarding student cafeteria accounts below:

  • We will close all graduating senior accounts and return any remaining funds or collect any outstanding charges.
  • We maintain student account balances (positive and negative) on record at the end of the school year and carry over that balance as the beginning balance for the next school year.
  • We will provide families information about repaying charges in May of each year.
  • We will provide families information about beginning balances at the start of each school year.

We’ve got the answer for the age-old question, “What’s for lunch?”

View or print our menu on Nutrislice.

Elementary School
Middle/High SChool
Middle/High SChool

Funding Your Child’s Meal Account

Use our online payment service, SchoolCafe, to fund your child’s meal account.

Meal Prices

  • Children need healthy meals to learn. Ridgway Area School District offers healthy meals every school day. Because we are a Community Eligibility Program District (CEP), every child receives free breakfast and lunch.

Summer Meals


Ridgway Area School District is committed to preparing students to make healthy nutrition and physical activity choices every day— in their schools, communities and homes. It is the policy of Ridgway Area School District that:

  • Students, parents, teachers, foodservice and health professionals, and community members will review and monitor our district’s nutrition and physical activity policies.
  • All students will have opportunities to stay physically active at school.
  • Food and beverages we sell or serve at school will contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Goals of the student wellness policy shall be considered in planning all school-based activities.

Ridgway Areas School District Wellness Policy directs the School Health Council to review and, if necessary, update nutrient standards for all competitive foods sold in the school building during the school day.

Competitive foods are those foods for sale at school other than through the National School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program. Competitive foods include a la carte (extras) in the cafeterias, vending, fundraising, booster club sales, classroom parties, and holiday celebrations.

The policy also references Smart Snack standards, practical, science-based nutrition standards the USDA established for all foods and beverages sold to students during the school day.

Summer Food Service Program

Schools or families can use any of the following methods to locate sites that serve free meals to children during the summer.

For additional information about the Summer Food Service Program please contact Mary Ringenberg at mringenber@pa.gov or (717) 783-6501.


At least 1/3 of a child’s daily calories, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron are recommended at lunch

Nutritional Excellence

The Ridgway Area School District is proud to be part of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Lunches are required by NSLP guidelines to provide at least one-third of a child’s Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of calories, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron at lunch, and one-fourth of the RDA for these nutrients at breakfast. We plan our meals, on average, to provide 30% or less of calories from fat and 10% or less from saturated fat. Our elementary and middle schools offer salad bars, which help reinforce healthy food choices, and the high school offers freshly prepared salads daily.

Elementary Catering

Does your elementary student have a birthday coming up? Allow us to cater a celebration for them! View our flyer for all the information.

Let our cafeteria provide a delicious and healthy snack for your child’s class. Simply call the cafeteria to order a snack one week in advance, and we’ll take care of the rest. Please see our kindergarten snack flyer for details.

Allergies & Special Diets

Please submit all requests for modified meals with a completed medical plan of care. If you have questions, please contact your child’s school nurse or the food service director:
Allison Henry, Food Service Director