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Schoology website can be accessed here.
Where Students Discover Their Purpose for Today and Their Passion for Tomorrow.
At Ridgway Area School District, we pride ourselves on providing a multitude of learning opportunities to meet the needs of a diverse population. We continue to work hard and build trusted relationships with students, parents, staff, and stakeholders alike.
Our efforts to build a culture of safety and support for all students and staff show in the successful transition of our students from classroom to real world.

Plans for Use of ARP ESSER Funds
ARP ESSER 90% Plan
ARP ESSER 7% Summer School Set-Aside
ARP ESSER 7% After School Set-Aside
ARP ESSER 7% Learning Loss Set-Aside
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaces “No Child Left Behind”
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaces “No Child Left Behind” to ensure the educational equity of all American students. It protects disadvantaged and high-need students by supporting innovation in intervention; and ensuring that teachers and families receive the information they need to measure student progress.